World Bee Day | Latest News

World Bee Day

All safely removed and released to a bee-autiful new home! #WorldBeeDay

To celebrate World Bee Day, we have this buzzing story to share! When we received a call from a tenant in Aylesbury to say that she had honey running down the walls in the bedroom of her top floor flat, the contracts team were sent out to help. Our team attended the property with specialist contractor “Bees Knees Pest & Property Services”. A ceiling which has been opened to reveal beams, with honey dripping from the exposed wood down a grey wall.

Following the inspection, we decided that, rather than exterminate the bees with insecticide and with a high possibility that other bees may return to the nest at a later date, the bees would be re-located and the nest removed completely. 

A section of the ceiling in the property was removed to access the bees. Once the works began, it was evident that the nest couldn’t be fully removed from within the property and the team opted to access the area by removing some of the external brickwork as well. During the removal works, our team and the bee experts all wore full PPE and protective suits to keep everyone safe before the nest was disturbed. A person with their back to the camera in a full protective suit working to remove bricks from a wall.

The next challenge was to look for the Queen bee, which proved difficult in a hive of 60,000 bees! The Queen bee was removed carefully and a specialist vacuum was used for the rest of the hive, which is designed not to cause harm to the bees.

The rescued bees were safely transferred to their new home at Westcott Venture Park as part of the Her Majesty's Forces & Therapbee' programme, run by Pollination for the Nation.

They have become part of the family that enables serving and retired Forces personnel and any section of Emergencies/NHS staff to undertake therapy through Bee Keeping and Hive Maintenance training.

The brickwork and the ceiling were then reinstated to complete the works and the tenant was even provided with some pots of Honey from the Therapbee' programme as part of the service!


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