Residents News is on it's way! | Latest News

Residents News is on it's way!

Our Winter Issue of Residents News will be with you in December. This bumper edition is full of key updates and information including a letter from Matthew Applegate, important dates for your diary, useful cost of living resources and details about our Transfer of Engagements with Buckinghamshire Housing Association.

This newsletter will also highlight key work and health & safety updates such as our upcoming retrofit program, legionella awareness and our website redevelopment project. Taken on board from our involved residents, we’ll feature more about our complaints and compliments procedure and what we do with your feedback.

Keep an eye on your email inbox for our digital link and help us save paper. You can also find previous copies of Residents News on our website.Residents News cover with animated images of children playing in the snow.

Remember, we can provide the magazine in accessible formats such as large print or audio. If you have any special print requirements, contact Communications by email or phone 01296 732600. If you want to change the format of your Residents News, or stop receiving it, then you can use our Live Chat on the website or let the Contact Centre know next time you call in. Here is a snippet of the front cover!


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