What does Resident Scrutiny look like at Fairhive? | Latest News

What does Resident Scrutiny look like at Fairhive?

Scrutiny is how residents can provide feedback and hold us to account on decisions by examining our performance, policies, and actions. Take a look at this handy Q&A for scrutiny to help us improve our services.

So who decides on the scrutiny topics?

This is done through the Resident Forum, attendees review performance data including resident satisfaction, hear from other residents about issues they are facing, and ask us for suggestions.

How do they make their final decision?

They take a vote at one of their meetings.

How is the Task and Finish group set up?

 Once the review topic is agreed our Community Engagement team recruit from a pool of resident volunteers – our next news post will give you information about how to volunteer.

How many residents can be on the Task and Finish group?

We run this group with 4-5 residents.

How longs does a review take?

Roughly 3-6 months depending on the complexity of the review.

How do the group carry out a review?

They tend to decide how they are going to carry out the review by identifying what information to request, which employees they will need to speak with and if they need to survey residents for further feedback.

How are recommendations made?

After gathering the information from across the organisation, it is reviewed to see what is being done well, what isn’t going so well, and where there are gaps to provide the basis for resident recommendations and the final report.

Who at Fairhive sees the report?

The report is submitted to the Service Manager and Assistant Director for the Service Area first, it is then shared with our Executive Management Team and Board.

How are the recommendations tracked?

 The Service Manager and Assistant Director create an action plan based on the recommendations, this is shared back with the Task and Finish group and Resident Forum who receive an update after 6 and 12 months. The same update is also provided to our Executive Management Team and Board.

What has resident scrutiny achieved?

Resident volunteers have:

  • Carried out 6 scrutiny reviews on our Customer Service Commitments, ASB service, Voids and Lettable Standards, Garages, Communication during the pandemic and Estate Services.
  • Delivered a total of 45 recommendations.
  • Just completed their 7th review with the 8th currently being decided by the Resident Forum.

What have these reviews led to?

  • Resident assurance of our approach to communicating with residents during the pandemic.
  • Creation of our Customer Service Commitments and targets which are monitored by the Resident Forum.
  • Setting-up a new resident group to monitor the performance of our grounds maintenance and block cleaning contractors.
  • Improvement in how we communicate and inform residents about our estate services.
  • Asking for resident feedback when we tender for a resident service contract.

We’ve saved you a space to take part in scrutiny…

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