Invest in homes and communities

Family of four outside front door of new house We’ll promote social inclusion and tenancy sustainment and improve estate environments, thereby providing strong, sustainable communities. We’ll implement estate improvement programmes, tackle anti-social behaviour and deliver safeguarding initiatives, all of which will contribute to the creation of desirable communities.

Working with partners we’ll provide support to vulnerable residents, helping to reduce social isolation and assisting with independent living.

Properties will continue to be maintained through planned improvements and an efficient responsive repairs service.

Effective asset management will ensure that we consider low performing properties for sale. The proceeds from these properties will be allocated to the development of high-performing, energy efficient homes.

 “We take pride in our work. We’ll provide safe and well-maintained housing through proactive, cost effective asset management – finishing to high standards.” Steve Wallin, Operations Business Manager

“Faults and repair issues can be notified to us at the earliest opportunity due to the increased usage of smart technology and intelligent building.” Jason Hall, Operations Business Manager