Grants guidance
What is the Thriving Communities Fund?
We're committed to providing high quality housing, improving the quality of life for our residents and creating thriving communities. One of our strategic objectives from our 2017-2020 corporate strategy was to set up a grant funding vehicle which we have called the ‘Thriving Communities Fund’, to provide financial support for our residents (Springboard grants) and also voluntary and community organisations operating within Aylesbury Vale (Community grants), in furtherance of our charitable objectives.
The total amount of funding available is up to £250,000 per year. This page sets out the eligibility criteria and application process for the award of grant funding from the Thriving Communities Fund.
Funding streams available from the Thriving Communities Fund
There are three types of grants available from the Thriving Communities Fund
Springboard Grant
Available for our residents only. Grants of up to £300 are available to support our residents with opportunities for wellbeing, education, training or employment. The funds can be used to access training, buy necessary equipment or cover one-off or on-going expenses.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed every two months from 31st January onwards.
Community Micro Grant
Grants of up to £3,000. The aim of our Community Micro Grants is to provide easily accessible funding for voluntary and community based organisations for relatively small projects within the local community. The funding can be accessed for a variety of purposes such as buying equipment or venue hire.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed every two months from 31st January onwards.
Community Project Grant
Grants of up to £10,000. The aim of Community Project Grants is to provide funding for larger scale initiatives within the local community. As well as providing for the purchase of more substantial equipment and running costs, larger community based initiatives can also be funded from this grant stream.
Applications can be submitted three times a year by the closing dates of: 31st January, 31st May and 30th September.
Funding restrictions
An individual is eligible for one Springboard Grant per financial year.
Organisations are eligible for one Community Micro Grant or Community Project Grant per financial year.
Application forms
Application Forms are available on our website using the following links:
Please read the Thriving Communities Fund grants criteria to help make the application process run as smoothly as possible.
Who can apply for the grants?
Different individuals or groups can apply for the different grants.
Springboard grants
These grants are available only to our residents. They are aimed at supporting residents with wellbeing, education, training or employment. Examples of eligible activities include:
The purchase of equipment required for education, training or employment purposes.
The cost of training or equipment to help improve job prospects.
The cost of subscription or equipment required to take part in cultural, educational, arts and sporting activities for the individual or their dependent(s).
Expenses incurred in the pursuit of education, training or employment.
Community Micro and Project grants
Any voluntary or community organisation may apply provided that it:
Provides local community activities or services either within Aylesbury Vale, or in areas outside of the Vale in which our residents live. Visitors to these areas may also benefit from the services/facilities, but not to the exclusion of local residents.
Contributes to at least one area of the Thriving Communities Fund Grants Criteria.
Is a not-for-profit group (including social enterprises) or is a Parish or Town Council.
Has a formal constitution or set of rules.
Has a bank account requiring at least 2 unrelated signatories for each payment, minimum 3 signatories in total.
Operates with no restrictions on membership and its activities are open to all.
Has an exit strategy or demonstrates clearly what will occur at the end of the project.
Has a volunteer management committee with a minimum of three unrelated members that meets on a regular basis (at least 3-4 times per year) OR is a registered Community Interest Company, with a minimum of three directors and provides copies of their Community Interest Statement, details of the Asset Lock included in their Memorandum and Articles of Association, and a copy of their latest annual community interest report.
What we will fund
Applicants should be able to explain the difference that will be made by their project, and which elements of the grants criteria are met. Projects must fall within our charitable objects. The objects and grant criteria are described within the ‘Thriving Communities Fund Grants Criteria’.
NB: While the application form for Springboard Grants and Micro Grants does not specifically ask the applicant to demonstrate how the project meets the grants criteria, this is assessed by the Grants Officer as part of the process to determine whether a grant will be awarded.
Springboard grants
To be successful, you must be able to show the need for the funding (identified, for example, by confirmation of the education or training course and/or job being undertaken and/or the need for equipment for the role). If your application is for equipment to enhance studies and/or provide equipment for a newly acquired job a letter of support from your tutor/employer is beneficial.
Community Micro and Project Grants
To be successful, you must be able to show the benefit of the project for the local community (identified, for example, through consultation with service users, community appraisals/needs assessments, parish plan, survey etc) and local involvement in planning and delivery.
What we will not fund
Projects that fall outside of our charitable objects.
Requests for equipment/tools/items required for personal use with no personal development or employment gain to the individual.
Activities promoting a particular religious or political belief.
Capital improvements to places of worship or buildings owned by religious bodies.
Capital projects within schools or hospitals or other public buildings.
Projects involving improvements to roads, highways or associated items.
Bus Shelters, War Memorials.
Any project which is the statutory responsibility of or is led by a statutory body.
Projects outside the boundaries of Aylesbury Vale which are not in areas in which our residents live.
Organisations which aim to distribute a profit.
Organisations with no established management committee/board of trustees (unless a CIC)
Fundraising events that intend to distribute monies onward.
Projects which are already completed - funding cannot be granted retrospectively
Incomplete applications
Please note: This list is not exhaustive, and applications may be considered ineligible or be declined at our absolute discretion. Our decision in respect of each application shall be treated as final.
How to apply
Fill in the neccessary application form on our website (see 'Application forms' section on this page) where you can upload your supporting documents, or email to request a form in a Word format. Signed Word format forms and supporting documents can be emailed back to the same address, or printed and posted back to Grants Officer, Thriving Communities Fund, Fairhive Homes, Fairfax House, 69 Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 2NJ.
Before you submit your application please ensure that the planned dates for the project allow enough time for the application to be processed before the start. Contact the Grants Officer if you are unsure or if you need help in completing the form.
When applying, please:
Don’t bind any hard-copy applications in a folder, ring or spiral binding or send additional documents which are not required – the application may need to be photocopied, and storage space is limited – a staple or paperclip is fine.
Don’t assume that the funding will be available until formally notified by us.
Don’t leave it too late – apply in plenty of time
How will the application be assessed?
Different grants will use different methods of assessment
Springboard Grants and Community Micro Grants
Applications for both Springboard Grants and Micro Grants are assessed by the Grants Officer using a scoring system. The Grants Officer will make funding recommendations which are then sent for ratification by one of our senior employees on a bi-monthly basis.
Sustainability: If you are applying for event funding, even if you don’t charge for entry, do consider inviting donations and/or collecting income from activities such as a tuck shop, plant stall, business sponsorship or pitch fees to enable you to set aside funding for future events.
Community Involvement: For Community Micro Grants, please include the number of volunteers.
Closing date: Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed every two months from 31st January onwards.
Community Project Grants
Your application will be considered by a Grants Panel consisting of our Board members and/or employees. The Grants Panel will consider each application received and make the decision on whether or not to fund the project. Decisions will be based on a range of criteria which include:
The benefit of the project for the local community: Demonstrate the extent to which you have consulted with your local community, have their support for the project, and that a need exists for it. Include the expected number of people who will directly benefit from the project.
The need for financial support from the Thriving Communities Fund: How vital is the Thriving Communities Fund to the success of the project? Will the project proceed without our involvement? If there appear to be other, more suitable ways in which the money can be raised, the Grants Panel are unlikely to award funding. However, match funding from other sources including other grants, local fundraising or income generation activities will help to strengthen your application. Include details of other applications made, even if these were unsuccessful.
Aligning with the Thriving Communities Fund Grants Criteria: This is a key part of the decision making process - it is important to demonstrate clearly how your project outcomes will assist in the delivery of these aims.
Evidence of self-help: The Grants Panel will look more favourably on organisations that can display evidence of other fundraising activity and volunteer involvement. This can include the provision of labour, skills, time, equipment and other in-kind support.
How viable is the project: Your application will be unsuccessful if you cannot show that it is well planned and that your group is capable of managing it successfully.
Closing date: Applications can be submitted three times a year by the closing dates of: 31st January, 31st May and 30th September.
What happens once a decision has been made?
Once a decision is made, there are some important points to note:
Award - we will write to let you know whether or not your application for funding has been successful. If your application is declined we will write to you to confirm that you have not been successful.
Agreement - if your application is successful, we will send you a Funding Agreement stating the conditions on which the grant is offered. Please read this carefully. Claim your grant by returning a signed copy of the Funding Agreement.
Payment - Your grant needs to be claimed within three months of award. Grants are paid by bank transfer.
Monitoring - the Thriving Communities Fund Grants Officer should be regularly informed of the progress of your project. A Monitoring Form will be sent to you with your Funding Agreement which should be returned to the Grants Officer. Documents evidencing the expenditure (such as copy invoices and photographs) and a copy of a newsletter or minutes which acknowledge the grant should be returned with the completed Monitoring Form.
Photographs - even for equipment purchases and capital projects, please supply photos including people where appropriate, as these help demonstrate the benefit to local people provided by your project and may feature in future Thriving Communities Fund literature.
Promotion - your organisation should acknowledge that the project is funded by Fairhive Homes Thriving Communities Fund in any relevant literature or publicity (eg press releases, your newsletter or annual report) and where appropriate, display a plaque (A4 size, provided by us).
Quality and Equality - the Thriving Communities Fund aims to ensure quality of service and equality of access through all of its activities. Organisations receiving grants are expected to reflect these standards.
Purpose - the purpose for which a grant has been awarded cannot be changed without prior approval from us. Contact should be made via the Grants Officer in the first instance for further information.