LEAP can help you save money and reduce energy usage | Latest News

LEAP can help you save money and reduce energy usage

LEAP is a service that helps eligible residents to reduce the cost of keeping their homes warm and also reduce energy wastage. We know that finding the money to pay for gas and electric is a concern right now and many residents could benefit from using their home in a more energy efficient way. This not only saves money, but also energy usage overall. For example, by using draft excluders, timers on showers, and turning lights off when leaving the room, we can use significantly less energy, slicing bills whilst reducing our impact on the environment (so it’s a win-win!).

We have already helped to increase energy-saving for many our residents by partnering with LEAP and sharing useful tips and resources. So far, we have referred over 30 residents to LEAP who received expert energy efficiency advice. Some residents were helped to change their energy suppliers and LEAP supported them in being added to the energy providers' early support list for emergency calls.

The eligibility for this service is broad to assist with the fuel poverty crisis that we're facing today. If one of the below applies to you as a resident, we can make a referral on your behalf:

  • You live in a low income household.
  • You receive tax credits.
  • You receive housing benefits.
  • You receive an income or disability related benefit.
  • You have a long term illness or disability. 

If you’re aiming to save on your energy bills by cutting back on how much gas or electricity you use then here are some quick wins:

  • Reduce your shower time by one minute, or simply start timing how long you're in the shower for.
  • Try boiling the kettle fewer times throughout the day (especially if you work from home). You can use a hot water flask to capture any spare kettle water and use it later.
  • Choose a more energy efficient washing machine setting and reduce the temperature of your washes.
  • Turn the thermostat down by one degree in the evening.

These quick tips can have a real impact on your outgoings over time and reduce CO2 emissions. Sometimes it's the small changes that can make a big impact. If you feel like you have tried everything and you don't know where to turn, please contact our Welfare team who can help with a LEAP referral or chat through other possible support.





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