Residents News

We email or post our regular Residents News magazine to all of our residents. It includes information about our services and the wider housing sector which may impact you. You can read historical digital copies of Residents News.

Download our latest edition of  Fairhive_Residents_News_Autumn_61_Online [pdf] 5MB

We provide the magazine in accessible formats such as large print or audio. If you have any access issues, contact Communications by email or phone at 01296 732600. If you want to change the format of your Residents News, either use these contact details or let the Contact Centre know the next time you call in. 

What is happening in your neighbourhood? We would love to hear.

Is there anything going on that you’d like to share with fellow residents, perhaps on our website or in Residents News? We'd love to hear it - just use the contact information above. We look forward to hearing from you!