Universal Credit
Process for claiming Universal Credit
Universal Credit is paid direct to the person claiming benefit and includes housing costs. Claims will be administered through the DWP at a central location rather than your local council or benefits agency.
Once an application for Universal Credit has been made, it takes up to 6 weeks to process a claim and you will not receive any money during this time period therefore it is essential you budget for this.
Universal Credit is normally paid monthly in arrears and you will be responsible for paying the housing element of your Universal Credit to us for your rent. The easiest way to do this is set up a Direct Debit or Standing order.
Universal credit is being rolled out throughout the country and replaces these 6 benefits:
Income-based Jobseeker’s allowance
Income-related employment support allowance
Income support
Working tax credits
Child tax credits
Housing benefit
In order to make a UC claim you will need:
Access to the internet
Your tenancy agreement
A rent statement showing your eligible rent
Your landlord’s name and address
Your postcode
National Insurance number
Details of anyone who lives with you
A bank account and your bank account details
Details of any savings
Your expected monthly salary (if working)
Details of any other income you receive
Your email address and landline or mobile