What can I use the garage for?

Our garages can only be used for parking a vehicle or for general storage purposes. Please see below for our full Terms and Conditions.

Garage Licence Terms and Conditions

This is a weekly licence.  It can be ended (determined) either by us (Fairhive Homes Limited) or by the licensee, giving one week’s notice to terminate.  This notice must be in writing and must end on a Sunday.

The licence fee must be paid in advance and is due on Monday of each week.  No arrears will be allowed.  In addition to the licence fee the licensee must pay us such sums in respect of VAT or other charges which may be levied from time to time on the garage by us.  The said VAT or other charges shall be due and payable at the same time and in the same manner as the licence fee.

We will give at least one full week’s written notice of any increase in the licence fee and the licensee must pay the new amount from the date that any increase applies.

The licensee has exclusive possession of the garage and we are not liable for any loss or damage to property kept in it. The licensee should arrange any necessary insurance for the contents of the garage.  The licensee stores any items in the garage at their own risk and indemnifies us against any liability for contents stored in a garage where loss or damage has been caused by whatever reason. 

We may enter and inspect the state of repair of the garage at all reasonable hours of the day.  Before doing this we will give the licensee reasonable notice of at least 24 hours (except in the case of an emergency, in which case shorter notice will be given).

We may immediately end the licence and re-enter the premises if:

  • any licence fee or part of it is in arrears for fourteen days (whether or not it has been legally demanded)

  • there are other debts owing to us not related to this licence

  • there has been any breach of these conditions or breach of any tenancy, held with us, by the licensee

The licensee must not:

  • Assign, underlet or part with possession of the garage or any part thereof to anyone else

  • add anything to the garage or alter it

  • store any flammable liquid or gas in the garage (for example petrol or paraffin) except in the fuel tank of a vehicle with a secure fuel cap, to M.O.T. standards

  • use, or permit the garage to be used, for anything which interferes with the quiet enjoyment of any adjoining or neighbouring premises, or which causes offence or nuisance to neighbours, their visitors or us

  • use the garage for any trade or business

  • undertake repairs of any nature on the premises except those necessary to the licensee’s own vehicle

The licensee must:

  • keep the garage and its fixtures and fittings in good repair and repair any damage caused by the licensee.

  • report any need for repairs or damage to the garage promptly to us via our Customer Contact Centre, Fairfax House, 69 Buckingham Street, Aylesbury provided that if we are of the opinion that such damage was caused by the licensee, then the licensee shall pay to us on demand the cost of the repair.

  • only use the garage for parking a private vehicle or for storing personal household possessions.  For the avoidance of any doubt this is only acceptable at the licensee’s own risk.  The garage is primarily designed to contain a vehicle and may not be suited to the storage of other possessions.

  • take reasonable precautions against fire occurring in the garage

  • keep indemnified us and our officers, agents and servants from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs and expenses whatsoever that may be made or instituted against them arising directly or indirectly out of the use of the garage.

  • give up the garage in good condition at the end of the licence, removing any property and rubbish from it.  In the event of rubbish and property being left in the garage we will clear and repair the garage and recharge the licensee for the full cost of the works.

Further information:

  • If you are not our resident, VAT will be added to the weekly charge.

  • If you wish to terminate your garage licence, and have given written notice, the garage keys should be returned to the Customer Contact Centre at Fairfax House, 69 Buckingham Street, Aylesbury, where you will be issued with a receipt. Please do not post keys through the letterbox.