Our Website Improvement Project

Our Website Improvement Project

You asked for improvements on our website, this is what we are doing...

We are currently working on a project to improve our website content and make it easier for you to find what you need when you are searching online. We've consulted with residents in our Website Project Focus Group, as well as through online surveys and posts on social media. We've also been running meetings and workshops with our employees to get feedback and make changes based on all these ideas put together.

As part of this project we will be looking to add more features, update the menu navigation, and improve the way you search for information. The website development project is an extension of the work we did during our rebrand and we want to ensure we are listening and meeting our resident’s needs with the Fairhive website.

Get ready for our new-look website with improved features and functionality!

May 2023

Over the past year, we have been working with residents and our employees to review areas of the website that need updating and improving. This includes making content and documents easier to find, simplifying our policies and making our tenancy information easier to digest and refer back to. We're also working on creating more videos and quick guides for residents on topics such as ‘What am I allowed to change in my home?’, ‘What is the lettable standard?’, and ‘Getting involved with our resident groups and events’.

In the next few weeks, you may notice a few changes on this website (some bigger than others). Don’t worry though, all the same content will still be available to you and we’re improving our search functionality to make pages even easier to find.

Check back on this project page and on our social media pages for more updates this month.

We want to hear your thoughts!

If you have any questions about the new website style or think of ways we could improve the way we share information on our website then please let us know and email our Communications Team.

We use all the feedback we receive to help us make changes and improve our web pages to provide a better service for you and other users, taking the work out of finding the documents and information you’re looking for about your home with us.

Website workshops: how we're using your feedback

We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in our website workshop, or completed our survey, in December and January. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help shape our website going forward.

In December, we held focus groups for residents and employees to give their feedback and suggestions for how we can improve our website. We asked participants to think about our current website, what they liked or disliked about it, what is useful and should stay, what changes they would like to see.

Residents who attended the workshops explained that it can be difficult to find specific pages or service information such as rent statements, Neighbourhood Manager contact details, where our Independent Living Schemes are and their home repair updates. As a result of the feedback we will be improving the navigation of our website and making some updates to the information on various pages so that you can find what you are looking for quicker and easier. This will also involve improving the accuracy of our search feature so that it is easier to find what you need rather than having to keep clicking through multiple pages.

Further feedback highlighted the need for alternative methods of communication as the Contact Centre can have long waiting times during busy periods. We will be developing an alert system which will give daily updates during busy times and we'll be making our contact forms easier to find and more user friendly. Most importantly, the new look of the website will help residents to access our portals, My HomeHub and IMPACT, so they can quickly locate the best way to engage with us or access their tenancy details.

The over-arching take away from this consultation phase was the need for simplicity, that's why we will keep the needs of our residents and website users at the heart of the improvement project we are working on this year. Our main aim for the project now is to create a simple but efficient website tool that is accessible to all, user-friendly, and gives people access to the services, portals and information they need to help manage their home and tenancy. 

Laptop with How can we help you today? Boxes below with Find a property, Portal, Welfare, Neighbourhood Management, Report a repair, About Fairhive, News, Paying my rent