What is Choice Based Lettings?
Choice Based Lettings is a system that allows the tenant to choose where they want to live, by bidding on properties that they are eligible for.
How are applications prioritised?
All applications are assessed under a four-band system depending on your circumstances. We will work with you to ensure that you are placed in the correct band.
Why does the partnership have a banding system?
Banding, groups people with the most urgent housing need. We hope you will find the system clear and easy to understand. Please let us know your feedback, as this will help to improve Bucks Home Choice in the future.
How can I find a home?
Available properties are advertised every two weeks in various places, for example Bucks Home Choice website, at Fairfax House and in the offices of other members of Home Choice. The adverts give details about the size and type of the property, the area and street, rental costs and service charges if applicable, and other things that can help you make a decision.
How can I show an interest in a property?
You can express an interest in any advertised property that you are eligible for on the Bucks Home Choice website. If you are not sure what to do, please speak to our Customer Contact Centre, who will be able to help you. You can apply for up to three properties at a time.
Do I need a computer to participate?
We don’t just advertise available homes on the internet. There are newsletters and property adverts, as well as a 24-hour advertising hotline.
You can apply for a property you like by a text message and a 24-hour bidding hotline. For anyone who does not have access to a computer, but would like to participate using the website, libraries can help with internet access.
Are there more available homes as a result of Bucks Homes Choice?
Bucks Home Choice will not increase the supply of affordable rented homes in the area. There may even be times when properties that you are eligible for, are not available for you to bid on.
However, choice based lettings gives you an easier way to apply for a home, and more say in where you live. You are able to see, read or hear for yourself what is available before applying for a property.