Our Independent Living Co-ordinators can apply for aids and adaptations on a resident’s behalf as well as arranging for external agencies to assist where appropriate, such as with Occupational Therapy referrals. Our Aids and Adaptations service aims to help make your home more comfortable and you can be sure that any information given will be treated sympathetically and confidentially. Minor modifications we can assess and authorise include:
Examples of aids and adaptations available to residents
Staircase modifications
Flashing door bells
Bathroom grab rails
Kitchen lever taps
Smoke alarm alerts
Window opening equipment
External lighting
Door and wall protectors
Dropped curbs
WC lever flush handles
Main entrance support rails
Internal door and threshold ramps
Where possible we will carry out minor works up to the value of £2000. If you think you need a major adaption, like an accessible washroom, we will support you to access the relevant occupational therapy department. If major work is required, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities grant from your local authority and we can assist you in making an application.
Personal alarms
First Contact personal alarms can be installed in residents homes for a one off installation fee and a small monthly charge to support living independently. You can apply directly without a referral and there is no waiting list. Benefits include:
Benefits of First Contact personal alarms
Instant contact from a control centre with fully trained staff
Support and assistance 24/7
Added personal security
Peace of mind for you, your friends and family
Improved independent living
Easy to use equipment
We can also signpost residents to support services who can help with everyday tasks such as paying bills, reading letters and dealing with nuisance callers.
To find out more about these services or to get a referral, please contact the Independent Living Team by calling 01296 732889 or email contact@fairhive.co.uk. Our team can give you further information and arrange a visit where appropriate to explain the services in more detail.
The team is available Monday-Friday, 8:45AM-4:45PM.