Aids & Adaptations
We are committed to enabling you to live in your home comfortably and independently. If you are elderly, have a long-term illness or are disabled, our Aids and Adaptations service may be able to help make your home more comfortable for you. You will be treated sympathetically, and anything you tell us will be confidential.
How can we help?
There are a lot of minor modifications we can do to your home to make it easier for you to be independent. These include things like:
Staircase modifications
Kitchen lever taps
External lighting
WC lever flush handles
Flashing door bells
Bathroom grab rails
Smoke alarm alerts
Door and wall protectors
Main entrance support rails
Safety glass
Grab, newel and handrails
Dropped kerbs
Internal door and threshold ramps
Window opening equipment
We will also:
carry out an inspection within 10 working days and complete minor adaptations, such as grab rails, within 28 working days of receiving your request for assistance;
help support and advise you until your major adaptation is completed;
where possible, we will recycle adaptations such as stair lifts and ramps; and
work in partnership with Community Therapy Services, GPs and Buckinghamshire Council to coordinate requests for more substantial adaptations.
How are adaptations paid for?
Where possible the we will carry out minor works up to the value of £2,000. If you think you need a major adaptation, like an accessible washroom, we will support you to access the relevant occupational therapy department. Occupational Therapists (OTs) may then assess your need. If major work is required, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities grant from your local authority and we will assist you in making an application.
What if the works leave my rooms in need of decoration?
We will make good any decoration needed after works have been done. In addition, residents who are disabled and/or in receipt of state pension can ask for one room per year to be decorated by us, free of charge. However, this does not apply if there is a non-disabled person younger than state pension age also living in the property.
To apply for the One Room Per Year decorating service please contact us on 01296 732600 and ask for an application form to be sent out to you.
Further Information
If you require more information on Aids and Adaptations for disabled residents, please call 01296 732600 or email