Caretaking FAQs

Our Caretaking Services

Our team of caretakers work hard to look after and maintain our flatted blocks and Independent Living schemes, throughout the year, by carrying out health and safety inspections. 

Our caretakers carry out a weekly fly-tip service

What happens if I find drug paraphernalia?

If it is reported to us that needles or other drug paraphernalia are found, where we have properties, we will collect them as a matter of urgency, usually within 24 hours.

This is only undertaken by trained staff wearing appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

Why do you maintain a zero-tolerance approach to communal areas within flatted blocks?

We have adopted a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy in communal areas within our blocks, to keep residents safe and comply with fire safety regulations.

Items left in communal areas that will be removed include but are not limited to, pushchairs, bikes, door mats, plant pots etc.

Do you complete meter readings of my meter locked in a communal cupboard?

Caretakers can take meter readings for you and put the results through your door.

To keep you safe we are unable to provide you with a key.Caution wet floor sign in corridor

Do you undertake health and safety inspections of communal areas within flatted blocks?

Caretakers carry out monthly health and safety inspections at all flatted blocks.

Do you provide caretaking services to Independent Living schemes?

A dedicated Caretaker serves all of our Independent Living Scheme sites and will undertake small jobs for residents as well as help to ensure overall health and safety at the schemes.

How do you deal with graffiti on your property?

The caretaking team will remove graffiti from our properties. Offensive graffiti will be removed within 24 hours of it being reported. If the caretaker cannot remove the graffiti we will employ a contractor to remove it.

Can't find what you are looking for?

If you can't find the answer that you are looking for, please contact our Estates Services team on 01296 732600 or via email.