NYN questions answered
How long will the application and decision process take?
Applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. We will ensure that you are well informed of the progress throughout the application process.
Who decides whether my application is successful?
We have formed a resident panel that will assess each application on an individual basis. The panel will be provided with information such as risk assessments and neighbourhood consultation results by us, which will all play a part in the final decision of your application.
What is a neighbourhood consultation and why do you need to carry one out?
A neighbourhood consultation is an exercise we carry out to ensure that your neighbours are aware of the suggested improvement. This is because your suggested change could affect them and we need to make sure they are happy with this. It may speed your application up if you carry out your own consultation and provide evidence of this with your completed form. If you would like help with organising this please let us know.
Who will carry out the improvement work?
If your application is approved by our panel, we will commission the work to be carried out by its own employees or contractors, who will contact you once the decision has been made.
Why is Fairhive doing this?
It is important for us to make improvements that benefit our residents, neighbourhoods and communities. This is your opportunity to help us to make a difference where you live by letting us know what is needed in your area.
If my application has been accepted, can I carry out the improvement myself?
No. The works will then be carried out by our contractors. This means that you will not be awarded actual funds to carry out the improvement work yourself.
Can I submit an application if you have scheduled an improvement to take place that I have already reported?
No. If you have already applied for an improvement via an alternative scheme (i.e. fencing), your application will not be accepted. This is because your request would have been logged in our system and allocated a separate budget.