Volunteering Opportunities
We have a variety of volunteering opportunities with different levels of commitment. If you'd like to find out more, head over to the home page and register for the IMPACT portal.
We have a variety of volunteering opportunities with different levels of commitment. If you'd like to find out more, head over to the home page and register for the IMPACT portal.
These are opportunities for you to volunteer with us, and help us shape our services. If you'd like to find out more, email the Communities team at hello@fairhive.co.uk.
Meeting once a month to shape and influence how we deliver our services.
We are looking for new members to join, if you're interested let us know and we can invite you to the next meeting.
Meeting quarterly to review recieved resident complaints to make sure we are doing what we say we will and having direct input into the complaints process.
Meeting on an adhoc basis to view potential new housing developments, giving your comments on elements of the proposal and identifying impacts.
Meeting quarterly to review applications for neighbourhood improvements, carrying out site visits and deciding which applications to approve.
Focusing on a specific service or subject, conducting a review and feeding back finidngs and recommendations.
If you're interested in finding out about our next group, then please get in touch.
Head over to the calendar on the events tab to see dates and times of upcoming meetings.
Click to view the volunteer code of conduct.
If you're intersted in anything you've seen on IMPACT, or you need some more information, email us on hello@Fairhive.co.uk
You can also find the location and other details of our open events in the calendar on the events tab. These are events that you can simply turn up to!